Time is a deep river beyond our fragile rafts
That keeps us afloat as we watch the distant
Shore thinking that soon we will be there
Time is a deep river invisible to us and our prayers
To an unseen essence we call spirit that binds the
Universe together into a mystery of which we
Are mere players and also the slayer of dragons
But sometimes the dragons devour us and we suffer
Not knowing that if we but laugh at the demons they
Will mourn and melt before human courage which
They can neither slay nor destroy nor bless nor love
There is a place that does not exist that is the only
Place there is—the river flows into mystery taking
With it our rafts, our joys, our suffering, our angels
And our blessed demons into the depths of a river
That has flowed deep and wide for countless suns
And moons since the angels touched earth with the
Spark of life on which we float our fragile rafts and
All the forgotten generations of creatures before us
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